Total RNA Miniprep Purification Kit provides a rapid, simple and effective approach to isolate total RNA from various animal/plant tissues, cultured cells and bacterial samples. The process is based on a spin column format; the procedure involves tissue or cells disrupted and homogenized in the presence of guanidium thiocyanate, selective binding of RNA to silica membrane and digestion of residual contaminating genomic DNA by DNase I. read more...
96-Well Total RNA Kit is designed for high-throughput extraction of total RNA from animal cultural cells and bacterial cultural cells. The method use a specialized chaotropic salt to lyse cells and inactivate RNase, then RNA in chaotropic salt is bonded to glass fiber matrix when the lysis mixture passing through the binding plate. After washing off the contaminants, the purified RNA is eluted by RNase free more...
APSLABS miRNA Isolation Kit is designed for purification of microRNAs (miRNAs) and other small cellular RNAs from tissue samples or cultured cells. Purification of miRNAs allows research into biological significant pathways for regulation of gene more...